Monday, January 16, 2012

The Sunny Day!

    Today the sky was very bright. I could see the sun from my window. I could feel the light because it made my room so bright. I also heard the machine of a car starting. How beautiful the day was! Every day is a new page of your life. Many things may happened inside also outside, but it's just wonderful having all of those as a record of your personal stories. Personal experiences. Personal love or crush. <3

  6 days from now, I'll be back in my small box to study. I actually hated being isolated because I was a socialize person. I could not stand being afraid if I was alone. I always had something to do to keep me busy, and usually, I wrote my blogs, or just seeing facebook, stalking people too. LOL. However, I had no choice. I needed to reach my dreams so I would stay strong in my "small-seemed lovely box". I was normal, so sometimes, or many times, I broke all of the rules. LOL. I just hided so people won't know. Mysterious. That is what I am doing now. BEING MYSTERIOUS. :)

  Could you see the trials that happened in my life? Would you please kept sharing to people so they also got a blessing? But, I had one request. DON'T EVER SHARE IT THROUGH WALLS ON FACEBOOK. I just had a bad experience because of exposing myself too much. I would love you to share through emails, TWITTER-DM, or MESSAGE-FB. If you could do that, I would really appreciate it. I did not want my name to be on your wall because I always had people, or a person who watched on me 24 hours so I could not really expressed myself. I would move invisible-ly. I made up that word. LOL.

  Thank you for being my constant readers, people. I hope you had a great day and don't give up for every trials that you may had in your life! :)

-a mysterious one


  1. C I will be praying for you as you head back to school. Keep Christ at the center of you life!

  2. :) Thanks and keep praying for me. I'll pray for you too with all of the stuffs that would be happening in your life! :) Keep Him too!
    ~best regards
