Thursday, January 19, 2012

Long Sleep

  This happen rarely. I had a pretty long sleep last night, and it's weird because I usually didn't really sleep that much. Probably because yesterday I did all the cleaning stuffs because one of my friends would come to sleep over, so I cleaned everything. I cleaned my bed, I did the laundry, I made my bathroom *clingcling* until they all seem very perfect like a glass.LOL. hehehe... And one more else, I did not have something to do really. Except for eating,sleeping, party-ing, cooking, writing, watching movies, and then going back to sleep again.:)) How I really enjoyed my break because if I were back in my small box, there would be no time like that except for weekends.

  Btw, I bought a lot of cooking stuffs for my dorm, so during weekends, Let's COOK AND EAT together, girls!! :))  I really learned a lot during this break, and I wanted to keep my cooking ability.LOL. Before I came here, I seldom cooked. I had persons who helped me doing that, and when I tried doing it, my lovely Mom always complained that it was not that good. So I stopped trying because I was lazy. hahahaha.

    But now, because I did not have anyone here, which was pretty sad actually, I did everything alone. Being independent is what I am doing now. Sometimes, or many times, I felt LONELY. But I needed to get used to it. ^__^

     Ahh. Now it's 3 more days before my farewell, and 12? or 11? days before my special day. How time passed really fast!! I felt that because I enjoyed my break a lot. I ENJOYED IT SO MUCH. Esp because I fell in love here Haha. Well, Idk this love would stay or not because I always left my heart somewhere without being together with the person I loved. It's pretty sad, but that's life.

   You never know what would happen. lol. Just try to be patient and wait for His perfect timing. Maybe God wanted you to see many kind of persons, not to play with love, but to let you choose the best one. Believe it. And for girls, I still hope that you wouldn't be that pushy, because if he really loved you, he would made up something to make you stay, but if he didn't want you that much, then just leave with brave and strong heart. There would be some one else that might fell in love with you, so don't frown and keep smiling!! :))

a mysterious one~

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