Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Morning People!

   There were times when you could not control and handle yourself. Honestly, yesterday I was very down until I cried loudly in this lonely room. I shouted loudly in this lonely house. I was a tough girl that was hurt enough to be judged. I did not know why but God wanted to molded me so hard. He kept giving problems, that may be I sometimes thought, it's too much. It's too painful. Or maybe I was just too sensitive, or I was just not brave enough to win. But that's me. I couldn't win with people. I cared about them a lot, but somehow, I always got what I did not want to get. I got those unforgettable things. I got those sad moments.

  However, I still wanted to stand, move forward, and never look back. How hard the person hit you,destroyed you, or hated even loved you, that would make you a better one. Believe me. Every single steps that had happened in my life, I always never forgot the blessings that kept pouring down from the lovely Heaven. You are still a growing up process people. You are still His precious one that He wants to be shining. Like a star. I hope I was like a star. I wanted to be a star. A star that helped people,cared about them, and just hoping them remembering all of I did. Just that. It's simply amazing to love and share your love. :)

  Dear boys, don't do what they did to me. The pain that remain, always never been forgotten. Our hearts are like cotton, and it could never be fixed, when it got torn. Don't shout, don't destroy them. Don't hit them. Don't be such a jerk. Keep encouraging them, keep loving, and caring them. I was traumatic with them, but I still hope for a husband. I still want to have children and grand children. I still want to be a Mom and Mak that would be loved, that could share my life stories to them. I still want that, my lovely man. 
   I wanted to be a star,  I always wanted to shine and be cheerful. I forgave people that hurt me. You know why I could stand and kept moving also being strong until now? Because my God is never like that. My God is very  amazing. He is JESUS, that always hear every single details of your life. Just be patient people. Be patient and wait for His perfect timing. Because I still believe, that everything would be beautiful in His time. Everything.

a mysterious one

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