I went to church this Sunday, and I got the perfect message. I was very sad also down, but He knew just right what I needed. The preacher said that every single problems helped us to be more mature. Being mature was never easy. Trials had met persons. And that meant anything might knocked you down. The angers, stressfulness ,painful things,sad memories, everything. Could you just forgave then forgot? Wasn't it pretty hard to do after you got hurt so many times? But what did God wanted you to do? He wanted you to forgive and forget.
Do you know about 3 game plans to win from your problems? It were to COUNT, KNOW, and LET. James told in the Bible, "Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" Think about it for few seconds. James said to every Christians to count their blessings. Consider the trials to be all joy. They are an indication of gladness. James faced painful things same like us, people that had met tiredness. He cried , and it's sorrowful. He ran, also fell. He was hurt. Nevertheless, he kept moving forward and got up. We could acknowledge the problems. It's just normal to feel those trials. However, we could face it with JOY.
Our faith would always be tested. It produced endurance. Steadfastness. You should KNOW that all of those were to lead you so you could hold on Him until the end. They could make you stronger until we met Jesus Christ by face to face. We grew more not in the top of valley, but during temptations, trials, also all of those traumatic things. If we never met trials, that was a dangerous thing to live.
Let that you may be complete and perfect. LET them. You would grow and be mature. Mature in Christ. That is why you need to rejoice in EVERY sufferings.
Progressive sanctification is subjective or experiential and is the work of the Holy Spirit within us imparting to us the life and power of Christ, enabling us to respond in obedience to Him - Jerry Bridges.
-a mysterious one
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