Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Awesome Day! ;)

 Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That kungfu panda's quote is true. We don't need to stop and stuck because of the bad things that happen in our lives. Don't ever look back! Keep moving forward! Prove it, then take the chance to grow stronger each day! :)

  Yesterday was pretty AWESOME. I and my friend partied together! We watched movies, went to a park, then cooked yummy hao chi sen cin ping foods! :D Well, like I told you before, there might be a rainbow after the rain. So, it did not really matter what happened in your life, but as long as you kept going and never gave up to face this hard life, you'll be fine. You'll be JUST FINE. Your chest may be hurt a little bit, but, it got better everyday. It won't hurt that much as time passed by. I realized that hole would stay. I knew that. But what could we do about it? We could not just ran and hided. We just needed to be strong.

 How's your life people? Did my stories made you smile and cry? LOL. I might not be the one who had this kind of story alone. There were a lot of persons like me. PLENTY. Just try to read and understand. I just wanted to share mine to make you realize that your tongue is very sharp. It's like a knife. So be careful with it! Don't ever use bad words because when it came out from your mouth, you won't be able to take it back. EVER.

-a mysterious one

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