Saturday, January 21, 2012


 Idk this is a luck or bad thing for me. lol. I always read people by "STARING" at their faces. I have an eagle  eyes. I will really read you by seeing your actions, words, and everything. This is kinda sad for me when I know the real facts.

  Sometimes, in one room, I could read and feel what are happening. I could see that there are love or crush  around the room. I could see when a boy likes a girl who has a boyfriend, I could feel how hopeless another girl waiting for that boy either. I could know how the girl tries to make her boyfriend calm down because of those things. I could realize how my friend is careless and just being innocent without commenting anything. Pretty scary and painful at first, but I get used to it. Maybe because I have a good sense of feeling and probably I am a thinker too.

  Moreover, I enjoy reading novels and books that are real in life. Sexual abuses, special needs for the children, how the parents try to do the best for their sick daughter, and her sister is very jealous because she needs to do everything alone since their parents give more attention to the eldest. - My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult's books. They are very inspiring and realistic. Read them if you have time! :) I also like watching movies that could read people. Investigations, murders, and how the FBI also polices try to find a solution for that.Something like Crime Scene Investigation. I enjoy watching real movies rather than fairy-tale's one because I know everything in this hard life is not always lovely and cute. Especially when you grow up, and you become an adult, you may be surprised how hard the lives of people around you.

  Some of them may be heartless, wanting to suicide, lesbianism, homosexuality, have sexual dramatically traumatic, or just desperate because they don't have LOVE in their lives. Those are sorrowful and very painful. I could read all of it, but I just try to understand and react the way I am. I could not just be very loud and ask things to them, I could just see, listen, look and try to be patient with everything. I am a good listener, I don't really share all of my stories to people around, but people love to share their life stories to me. I am a good keeper of secrets. I think more about what are happening around rather than myself, and sometimes, I am lonely and sick.

  Nevertheless, I have JESUS because He is my strength in everything I do until now. Even though my feelings are kinda very sensitive, I could still be rational and think what is the best for dealing with a problem. I think for solutions ahead. Not just for the benefit of that person, but also the people around him or her.

a mysterious one~


 I heard the heavy sound outside. I could smell wet things. I saw the water poured down from the sky. Waking up in the morning with rain was never my favorite day. :) Maybe the galaxy knew how I felt. Problems may come inside outside but what you need to do are just being patient, staying strong, and hold Him in every situation in your life. Dreams and Distance were still in my mind and head now. LOL. How those callings in life made you stop from falling. Yeah, when you saw the picture of it, it was pretty painful.:) But we need to move on girls! Don't ever look back..^^

  God simply made the rain with an awesome process. How could you realize the geography process when  water just blew up high in the sky and then clouds get darker, thunders came too, and just directly made it fell down. It was pretty amazing for me. Who the heck in this world could make that awesome process? One answer, he is My God. JESUS CHRIST.

  He was the one who made me strong and brave until now. There were many choices here, especially when you were alone. You could just go to pubs, free sex, or just having party all day with drinking stuffs like that, and it's very normal in a Sam's Country called USA. But what did He want you to do? Did He want you to destroy your body? Would not it be painful for your parents when they knew after all they had done, you and your life were just a piece of a shit? I would never do things like that. I would still be clean. I would definitely keep my virginity which some of you thought that it was not a cool thing. I have Him in my life. That was why Christians could be the light in this darkness world.

  Realize your blessings and control yourself in everything you do, because being a CHRISTIAN in this UNCHRISTIAN world, was never an easy thing to be.

"Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love."

a mysterious one~

Friday, January 20, 2012


      Do you know what are the hardest problems in love? They are DREAMS and DISTANCE. :) In life, you will meet plenty and many people who have different kinds of directions on it, and sometimes because of that, you could not be together. You may like each other, but those different callings  destroy it. If you keep going, it would cause another problems, and that is exactly  tiring because you may have different points of view in life. The risks for your future family may be a reason too.

  Love may be a reason for someone to do anything, but you also need to be rational. Don't fall in love just at the first sight. You need to read everything, you need to "spy" them until you are pretty sure if your love is the right one or not. Maybe your love match you in everything, but when you come to know them better, you'll be surprised of what you have not known yet. The dreams and distance are pretty much the hardest problems in my love stories. When I fall in love, I try to read everything about the person. However at one point when I know that this would not work, I will definitely stop. It's better to control your emotions and think rationally rather than giving all of it without thinking.

 DISTANCE and DREAMS. Those hard puzzles in love stories, may be the reasons for you to stop falling.

 a mysterious one~

Calling in LIVES.

    What is a calling? Do you have one thing you would like to achieve in this world? Everyone have different directions to reach their dreams. You definitely need a hard work to reach every single details of it. God has given us abilities to have it and why don't you use it for the sake of Christ? You will definitely face problems. Many things would make you down, and sad, but it is a process of learning.

  Reach your dreams with hard work and never give up with everything that happen in your life. Your love may be gone, your friends may betray you, but you still have JESUS who will be your helper in every situation. Just be brave and strong in accepting anything.

   This is the shortest blog I have ever typed. lol. Good luck in reaching your dreams people! :)

a mysterious one~

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Being a Woman is Never Easy ;)

 Good night people! I would like to share facts about the hardness of being a woman. I will let you know how hard it is to be a woman because sometimes, man doesn't appreciate what we have done. We have feelings, and if you are not careful with it, we could be a really cool one. We could leave you just like that. Not in marriage of course, because God does not want us to have a divorce. That is why, you have to read your beloved one before you get married. You need to adapt. Read them as much as you can because you need to know the person better, whether he or she will be suitable for you or not.

 These are the facts about it :

1. A woman needs to be beautiful inside and outside to protect a reputation of the husband.
2. A woman would taste how very painful it is to have a baby.
3. A woman needs to be a mom who take care of the children while still having another job.
4. A woman needs to take care of the husband who is sometimes too lazy to do anything.
5. A woman needs to take care of herself while thinking about her family.
6. A woman should protect herself from falling because of the stressful things in life.
7. A woman must have a good character in her actions and words.
8. A woman can't be rude because man would be afraid sometimes.
9. A woman should be calm even though the husband can not understand how hard it is to be a Mom.
10. A woman must be grateful in everything.
11. A woman needs to understand every situation.
12. A woman is a helper for the husband.
13. A woman will make the family grow by giving a good example.
14. A woman must learn to cook for her family.
15. A woman must be diligent to be a good one.
16. A woman must be neat because usually, the man are not.
17. A woman should be organize in everything she do so she would not get lost.
18. A woman need to cover her feelings sometimes for the benefit of her family.
19. A woman must stay strong in this hard life.
20. A woman must love her family.

  20 lists are still some of the facts. Not ALL of it. Don't you see our will to help you, man? Could you please just reply it with being gentle and loving us? We would do everything for you, but one thing you should remember, we would not give anything except you get our heart, and have the key to love and care us forever.
a mysterious one~


     There are millions types of boys in this world, I would give you the types of them because I have analyzed, read, and felt for several years seeing them. I heard stories from my friends either so I kinda know how they are. You need to find some one who would complete you, not destroy or hit you. Be careful ladies! Don't believe too much with their sweet mouth, because you never know what are they really doing. Don't believe their text too much either. SMART GIRLS DON'T JUST LOOK, BUT LISTEN, SEE, ALSO OBSERVE, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS, FEEL.

   These are the types of them:

    A brave, strong, good leader, cool, but has a high temperature of emotions. The CHOLERIC! Those kind of boys would protect you very much. They would do whatever they can to love you. However, they are not good in personal relationships. They think more than you ever expect. Sometimes, they do silly things behind your back to prove their love. They don't like to socialize, and if you bring them to your friends, they'll automatically make you shy because they are not a socialize person. They are a very good leader, they plan ahead, but also control everyone including you. If you are very afraid and you don't have a person who lead  because you are very lazy to lead yourself, then choose them as your boyfriend or husband. Everyone is not perfect, so you also need to understand about their weaknesses. :)

    A lovely,cute,humorist,simple, funny, but has a lot of girls around them. The SANGUINE! These kind of boys are not good in promising. They forgot everything. They always have people who love them, but sometimes, they can't control themselves. They also hide their feelings. They are very good at socializing so of course, they have many fans. Girls love being around them, and if you are patient enough , also good enough in controlling yourself not to be jealous, choose them. They are very humorist and they could make everyone smile and laugh a lot. But as always, sometimes they are a hard person to deal with serious things. They don't like to think too much, and they are very spontaneous. They do things first and then think. So, just be patient because they may play you everyday. Be patient until they become an adult. :)

  A quiet, patient, lovely, mysterious, romantic one. The PHLEGMATIC! They are very quiet and they would hide their feelings very much. They think a lot, and they are very passive. If you are a very talk active one, and you like to control your boy friend or husband, then just choose them. They will do whatever you ask them to do. They are not a good leader. They are not a socialize person either. So just pay more attention to them and you need to move first because if you don't move to be closer, they will just stay there without doing anything. lol.

  A romantic, sensitive, caring, but also "girly". The MELANCHOLIC! They are sweet,and they sometimes could cry because you do something wrong. They are "girly", they have very sensitive feelings, and if you are not careful with them, they would break. But they are very romantic. Like me. LOL. And they pay attention with you very much. They care about you. They remember things you may forget. If you easily forget things, choose them because they do help a lot. They are a thinker, a keeper too. So, you need to drag out information by asking so much questions to them. :)

  Everyone are not perfect! Don't find a perfect person because you will never get married. LOL. You know about yourself, and understand more about them. So just choose whoever is suitable for you. Be flexible because you need someone to hold everyday. :))

a mysterious one~


   MUSIC. Not everyone like it, but I do. I will give you plenty reasons why some of my friends, and even I like it. I understand that everyone have different kind of abilities and I am very grateful for having the music one. It's a blessing, and if you also have one, why don't you share it to people, or serve Him because God wants you to use every gifts or talents you have. Don't be shy. It is normal to do wrong things at the first time.

    I remember how I have plenty much problems and mistakes when I first serve Him, but you need a process to become better every day. So, use it to serve Him!! Do you remember the story in the Bible, about persons that the boss gave talents, and how much have they shared it?? Just keep sharing your blessings because you'll be more grateful in everything that happen in your life.

  These are the reasons from me and my friends about liking MUSIC :

1.You could directly express your feelings without worrying people would be mad because you just express everything there, and it's not a person who has heart. It's a died thing. And it's better to give all the emotions there, rather than to the people around because you might hurt their feelings.
2. You could share your life because there are 1342354363467547 words that are pretty amazing because it is exactly true. Music is an image of the real life.
3. You don't need to be worry people will be mad at you, maybe people will love you because of that ability.
4. You learn about discipline, because you need to practice to get used to it.
5. You learn how to control yourself, because there are dynamics on it.
6. You serve and made God's heart proud. Maybe your family too. Because sometimes, it's their desire to make you like music.
7. It's the meaning of your name, and of course, that meant you need to make your parents proud of you.
8. Your fingers become stronger, because it does hurt a lot when you practice.
9. You could cook better because your hands are strong enough.
10. Music is the life of every persons in this world.

Beautiful isn't it? ;))
a mysterious one~